Over 33,008,516 images resized

Basic example

This is the most simple use of the Resize Any Image API.

Download this example:

To use this example:

  1. Place these files somewhere on your webserver
  2. Edit the file form.html:
    - Edit the path to the resizer.html file
    - Replace YOURKEY by your key - you can find your key on your account page
  3. Make sure the file upload.pl is executable by the webserver
  4. Make sure the upload directory is writable by the webserver
  5. Point your browser to http://YOUR.SERVER/INSTALLDIR/form.html

Try it here:

Select an image from your computer, resize it, and submit.

This is the form code:

Put it on your server and view it in a browser.

Example upload code:

This code is a simple and none secure example.